The California Energy Commission adopted the 2016 Building Energy Efficiency Standards, which goes into effect January 1, 2017.
Single family homes built under these standards will use about 28 percent less energy for lighting, heating, cooling, ventilation, and water heating than those built to the 2013 standards.
In collaboration with the California Lighting Technology Center and Energy Code Ace, the Energy Commission recently participated in a seminar at LIGHTFAIR, an international lighting technology conference for designers, architects, lighting specialists, engineers, and energy facility professionals.
The seminar offered insight to lighting measures in the current and upcoming versions of California's Building Energy Efficiency Standards. Energy Commission staff presented specifics on the standards, information on the details of the changes, and why updates were needed. Panelists answered questions about the standards and California's path to zero net energy.
Information on the standards, training, and implementation resources can be found here. Sign up and read past issues of the Energy Commission�s Blueprint Newsletter on the building standards.
#Outreach Conducted on 2016 Building Energy Efficiency Standards*
by ternak 3 , at 11.11 , has 0
#Outreach Conducted on 2016 Building Energy Efficiency Standards* - written by ternak 3 , published at 11.11, categorized as Building Efficiency Standards , California Energy Commission , Energy Efficiency
. And has 0
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