#Achievements in Energy Efficiency Recognized with Green California Leadership Award*

by ternak 3 , at 13.48 , has 0 komentar
The California Energy Commission was honored for its work in energy efficiency with a Green California Leadership Award.

The awards, which were presented at the Green California Summit, recognized outstanding achievements by public entities in nine categories.

This week was the 10th anniversary of the Green California Summit, a conference which strives to highlight strategies, technologies, and best practices essential to reaching California�s climate goals.

The Energy Commission promotes statewide energy efficiency by setting and updating California�s building and appliance energy efficiency standards. In the past year, the Energy Commission supported energy efficiency and solar power projects in public schools through the Clean Energy Jobs Act (Proposition 39) K-12 program.

The Energy Commission approved the 2016 Building Energy Efficiency Standards that will reduce energy costs, save consumers money, and increase comfort in new and upgraded homes. Millions of dollars were awarded and loaned for training on the installation of advance energy efficiency measures in construction projects and for clean energy projects.

Last year, the Energy Commission launched an energy efficiency enforcement program and a modernized appliance efficiency database to ensure consumers receive the energy savings expected from household appliances.

The Energy Commission�s efficiency programs help keep the state�s energy consumption flat, reduce the need for new generation to meet electricity demand, and help meet the state�s long-term energy goals.

During the summit, Energy Commission staff spoke at panels about the building commissioning requirements, compliance with the building energy efficiency standards, Proposition 39, and electric vehicle charging infrastructure. Energy Commission staff provided information for builders, schools, and stakeholders at a booth in the exhibit hall.

 #Achievements in Energy Efficiency Recognized with Green California Leadership Award*
#Achievements in Energy Efficiency Recognized with Green California Leadership Award* - written by ternak 3 , published at 13.48, categorized as Appliance Efficiency Standards , Building Efficiency Standards , California Energy Commission , Energy Efficiency . And has 0 komentar
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